Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Kenangan dulu

[Nama kekasih Poet], you are my better half, you are my worst half
for the better or the worst, you are my other half
You are the milk for my coco crunch, you are the quad for my calf
You are the moon to the sun, you are the boat for the raft

[Nama kekasih Poet],
I'd never want you to be, what I need not you to be
Unless you have always want to be, that you that I don't you to be
But be it, I believe in thee, be all that you can be
But one thing I want you to see, I'll be right with you whatever maybe

[Nama kekasih Poet lagi],
You are my ribcage to my chest, you are my bicep to my tricep
You are my oblique to my abs, you are my back to my trap
You are my esophagus to my lung, you are my artery to my heart
You are my tongue to my teeth, you are my missing body parts

PS: Ini bukan copy paste dari internet ya. Kalau tak percaya sudah. Coretan dari Poet untuk aku. Lama dulu. Tapi serasa seperti semalam aku terima surat-koyak-kertas-dari-buku itu. Tak kesah. Kecoh mau dikongsi baca sama yang lain. Poet puitis tapi tidak selalu. Ikut mood. Kenangan bersama Poet terlalu banyak dan ratio sweet:pahit equal (atau pahit sebenarnya lebih banyak? takmau buka pekung di dada).Pertama itu Poet. Ahh mana mungkin aku bisa lupa pada Poet? Poet sama penting dengan udara. (Ok, full stop, tahap hyperbola dah ni)

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